

Registration Form


Registration Form


    姓(Family Name)

    名(First Name)



    生年月日(Date Of Birth)

    (Name of school)


    (Name of soccer team)

    持病(Health issue)

    郵便番号(Zip Code)


    (Parent/Guardians Name)

    自宅電話番号(Home Tel)

    (Mobile Phone)


    希望クラス(Desired Class)

    レッスン開始日(Start date)


    第1条 (名称)・ 当サッカーアカデミーは、「Eigo Football Academy」(以下「当アカデミー」と記載)と称します。
    ・ 当アカデミーは株式会社Football Heroesが運営します。

    第2条 (目的)・当アカデミーは世界一の競技人口のサッカーと、国際言語になっている英語を交えることで幼少期から英語を楽しみ興味をもち、サッカーの技術向上はもちろん、世界で戦える人間育成を目指しています。

    第3条 (入会資格及び入会手続き)・入会資格は、本規則を厳守し各プログラムに定められた対象に該当する者とします。

    第4条 (年会費、入会金、月会費(月謝))・会員は別に定める入会金、年会費、月会費を所定の期日までに納入するものとします。一旦納入した各費用は不可抗力による場合を除いてはお返しいたしません。
    ・会費の納入を 2 ヶ月怠った場合には、アカデミー生への指導を停止し、退会いただく場合があります。

    第5条 (スポーツ安全保険への加入)・当アカデミーでは「スポーツ安全保険」へご加入して頂きます。

    第6条 (活動期間)・当アカデミーの活動期間は、原則として毎年4月から翌年3月までの1年間とします。
    ・当アカデミーの練習日数は年間 42日を目安とし、祝日の練習は各クラスが定める年間スケジュールに準ずるものとします。

    第7条 (練習中止の対応)・原則として雨天決行としますが、雷、台風、大雪、その他天災などの理由により実施が困難とスタッフが判断した場合は練習を中止します。
    ・練習当日の天候判断は練習開始の 約1~2 時間前とし、スタッフから当アカデミー指定の方法にて連絡を致します。
    ・原則として練習開始 30 分以降の練習中止は練習 1 回分としますが、現場コーチの判断で振替を行う場合があります。

    第8条 (休会)・休会は「継続的に 1 ヶ月以上休む場合、かつ月単位」を指します。
    ・本人の怪我や病気(医師の診断が必要)などやむを得ない事情により休会を希望される場合は、再開月分の月謝を先に納入した上で休会が可能です。可能な限り、休会希望月の前月 15 日までにスタッフまで連絡して下さい。
    ・自己都合での休会の場合は、休会希望月の前月 15 日までに会員ページの休会申し込みフォームより申請してください。休会月は在籍費として、ひと月あたり2.000円(税込)引き落としさせていただきます。事前連絡がなく無断で休会となった場合は通常通りの月会費を納入して頂きます。
    ・休会を認めたアカデミー生の在籍期間は年度内とし、新年度の更新手続きを行わない場合は同年度の 3 月末日をもって退会とします。

    第9条 (退会)・諸事情により当アカデミーを退会される場合は、スタッフに希望退会月の 1 ヶ月前までに連絡の上、退会届けを提出して下さい。連絡がなく、無断で退会となった場合は当アカデミーへの参加の有無に関わらず、月会費を納入して頂く場合があります。

    第10条 (除名等)・アカデミー生徒として本規約に違反する行為など、コーチからの注意や指導等を行っても改善が認められないアカデミー生に対し、保護者との相談及び本人の意思を確認した上で除名する場合があります。次のいずれかに該当する場合、アカデミー生資格の一時停止または除名を行います。
    3)会費、その他費用の納入を 2 ヶ月以上滞納し、当アカデミーからの督促に応じて頂けない場合

    第11条 (負傷時の処置対応及び免責事項)・当アカデミーの練習中に負傷した場合、当アカデミーコーチ及び現場スタッフが応急処置を行い、必要に応じて近隣病院へ搬送し、保護者への連絡報告など、状況に応じた対応を致します。

    第12条 (通アカデミー、自己管理について)・アカデミー生は会場まで自己責任のもとで通って頂きます。

    第13条 (個人情報の取り扱い、広報活動への利用)・ Football Heroesは法令を遵守し、個人情報の取扱いについて、プライバシーポリシーに基づき厳正な取扱いを行います。

    第14条 (アカデミーの休業、閉鎖等)当アカデミーは次の理由によりアカデミーの休業又は閉鎖をする場合があります。

    第15条 (プログラムの新設、廃止等)当アカデミーは利用状況等により 30 日前の予告をもってコースの新設又や変更、廃止をする場合があります。

    第16条 (利用規約等)・本規約に定めのない事項及び運営上必要な細則は当アカデミーが別に定めます。

    第17条(発行)・本規約は 2017年 4月 1 日より発行します。

    第18条(改定)・2021年3月第6条 振替期限の変更第8条 休会についての手続き

    EIGO Football Academy Terms and Conditions

    Article 1 (Name)This soccer academy shall be known as "Eigo Football Academy" (hereinafter referred to as "the Academy"). The Academy is operated by Football Heroes Inc.

    Article 2 (Purpose)The Academy aims to cultivate individuals who can compete on a global scale by improving their soccer skills and fostering an interest in English, an international language, from an early age, and combining it with the sport with the highest number of participants in the world.

    Article 3 (Membership Qualifications and Enrollment Procedures)Membership qualifications shall be limited to those who comply strictly with these regulations and fall within the target audience for each program.
    Upon completion of the required information on the designated membership application form and confirmation of the initial fee payment, the applicant shall be recognized as an official member (hereinafter referred to as "enrollment") and may participate from the designated lesson date.
    If there are any changes to the information provided during the enrollment process, such as address or contact details, the Academy member must notify the staff promptly.

    Article 4 (Annual Membership Fees, Enrollment Fees, and Monthly Dues)Members must pay the designated enrollment fee, annual membership fee, and monthly dues by the specified deadline. Once these fees have been paid, they will not be refunded except in cases of force majeure.
    Monthly dues, after the initial fee, must be paid in advance and will be automatically charged to the member's credit card on the 25th of each month.The Academy may revise and change the amount of membership fees or other fees with advance notice.
    If a member fails to pay the dues for two months, the Academy may suspend their coaching and request that they withdraw from the program.

    Article 5 (Joining a Sports Safety Insurance Policy)The Academy requires all members to join a "Sports Safety Insurance Policy."
    The enrollment process will be conducted by the Academy, and the enrollment fee will be included in the annual membership fee.
    In the event of injury or accidents during Academy coaching, the policy will provide coverage within the scope of the "Sports Safety Insurance Policy."

    Article 6 (Activity Period)The Academy's activity period is generally from April of each year to March of the following year.
    The Academy aims to have approximately 42 lesson days per year, and holiday lessons will follow the annual schedule set by each class.
    If a member cannot attend a lesson due to illness or other reasons, they must inform the staff of their absence as soon as possible before the start of the lesson.
    Members should contact the staff via the BAND talk room for any absences or changes.
    Members may apply for a make-up lesson on their own initiative, and the application will be accepted through the BAND talk room.
    In the event of cancellation due to rain or advanced notice of absence, the member may make up the lesson on a designated make-up day or attend a different class at a different venue or on a different day. However, there is a limit to the number of members who may make up on any given day.
    The make-up period is limited to six months, and make-up lesson must be used within this time frame.

    Article 7 (Handling of Practice Suspension)As a general rule, lesson will be conducted even in rainy weather, but if the staff determines that it is difficult to conduct due to reasons such as lightning, typhoons, heavy snow, and other natural disasters, lesson will be suspended.
    The weather judgment on the day of lesson will be made about 1-2 hours before the start of lesson, and the staff will contact the academy designated method.
    In case of deterioration in the weather during lesson, follow the instructions of the coach or the ground manager and evacuate, and follow the coach's decision on whether to resume lesson.
    As a general rule, if lesson is suspended after 30 minutes of the start of lesson, it will be counted as one lesson session, but there may be cases where a makeup session is conducted at the discretion of the on-site coach.

    Article 8 (Temporary Withdrawal)Temporary withdrawal refers to "when a person takes a break for one month or more on a monthly basis."
    If you wish to take a temporary withdrawal due to unavoidable circumstances such as personal injury or illness (diagnosis by a physician is necessary), you can take a temporary withdrawal after paying the tuition fee for the month of resumption in advance. Please contact the staff by the 15th of the previous month, if possible.
    If you wish to take a temporary withdrawal for personal reasons, please apply through the withdrawal application form on the member page by the 15th of the previous month. The withdrawal month will be charged at a discounted rate of 2,000 yen (tax included) per month. If there is no prior notice and a temporary withdrawal is made without permission, the monthly fee will be paid as usual.
    For other special reasons, the staff and parents will determine the period of temporary withdrawal, etc.
    The enrollment period for academy students who have been approved for temporary withdrawal is within the fiscal year. If you do not renew your enrollment procedures for the new fiscal year, you will be deemed to have withdrawn from the academy on March 31st of the same fiscal year.

    Article 9 (Withdrawal)If you wish to withdraw from the academy due to various circumstances, please contact the staff one month before the desired month of withdrawal and submit a withdrawal request. If you withdraw without notice, you may be required to pay the monthly fee regardless of whether you participate in the academy or not.

    Article 10 (Expulsion, etc.)In case of an academy student who violates this agreement as an academy student and does not improve even after being cautioned or instructed by the coach, there may be cases where the student is expelled after confirming the intentions of the guardian and the student. Temporary suspension or expulsion of academy student status will be carried out if any of the following apply:
    If the student has committed an act that damages the reputation of the academy or causes significant trouble to other academy students.
    If the student violates the regulations of the academy.
    If the tuition fees or other fees are more than 2 months overdue and the student cannot respond to requests from the academy for payment.
    If there are other acts that are deemed appropriate for disciplinary action and improvement is not recognized.
    Article 11 (Injury during Practice)
    In the event of an injury during lesson, the academy shall not be held responsible except in cases of gross negligence or intention on the part of the academy. The injured student must be treated at their own expense.

    Article 11 (Treatment of Injuries and Disclaimer)In the event of injury during academy lesson, the academy coach and on-site staff will provide first aid and, if necessary, transport the student to a nearby hospital and make contact with the parents to provide appropriate support depending on the situation. The academy will not be held responsible for accidents caused by forces beyond its control. In the event that the academy or a third party is found to be responsible for an accident that occurs while using the lesson facilities, the responsible party may be held liable for damages.

    Article 12 (Transportation to the Academy and Self-Management)Academy students are responsible for their own transportation to the venue. Parents should always make attendance decisions based on their child's health.

    Article 13 (Handling of Personal Information and Use in Publicity Activities)Football Heroes Inc. will comply with the law and handle personal information strictly according to its privacy policy. In the course of operation and publicity activities, photographs and videos taken during activities may be posted on the website, brochures, and other media.

    Article 14 (Closure or Suspension of the Academy)The academy may close or suspend operations for the following reasons: 1) natural disasters, earthquakes, or other circumstances that make holding lesson impossible, 2) unavailability of lesson facilities due to repairs or renovations, and 3) significant changes in the company's circumstances or economic situation.

    Article 15 (New Programs, Elimination, etc.)The academy may introduce new courses or change or eliminate existing courses with a 30-day advance notice, depending on usage and other factors.

    Article 16 (Usage Rules, etc.)The academy will establish separate rules for matters not covered in this agreement and necessary details for operation. Amendments or modifications to this agreement will be made at the academy's discretion, and other rules relating to the academy will be determined by the academy separately.

    Article 17 (Issuance)This agreement will be issued from April 1st, 2017.

    Article 18 (Revision)The 6th Article regarding changes to the transfer deadline and the 8th Article regarding procedures, costs, etc. for taking a break will be revised in March 2021 and March 2022.